Volume 1, Issue 4 - June 2007 Edition

Monthly Columnists

Many companies are discovering a problem when they attempt to integrate separate systems into an enterprise view of data – poor data quality. This discovery often leads to the development of a data governance program to create a “single version of the truth” and to present clean and reliable data to all who use it within the organization, and, where appropriate, to customers and other consumers of data external to the organization.

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In the previous article we discussed the data warehouse marketplace from the perspective of history and vendors. The discussion continues with ETL products.

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In the early ‘80’s, there was little interest in the idea of Enterprise Engineering or Enterprise Modeling and the use of formalisms and models was generally limited to some aspects of application development within the Information Systems community. The subject of architecture was acknowledged at that time, however, there was little definition to support the concept. This lack of definition precipitated the initial investigation that ultimately resulted in the “Framework for Information Systems Architecture.”

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In my last article, I explained how I chose my column name: Back to Basics. As an example, I mentioned how amazed I was to discover that many companies don’t have a data strategy; something I consider to be very basic. I am equally astounded that many companies don’t require a methodology for project planning or application development.

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In last month’s column I discussed the importance of data governance for the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) program. In this article I will discuss the first tasks that the data governance team must address and the typical data stewardship activities that they will be involved in.

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Information quality can have many different definitions. If you listen carefully to people describing issues they have with data that they use, you hear them talk about inaccurate data, data that is not relevant, data that is not timely, as well as having too much information. The work done as part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) research concerning data quality conducted by Richard Wang, Yang Lee, Diane Strong, and Leo Pipino indicates that one can identify 16 characteristics that impact the overall quality of the information people are expected to use in fulfilling their job and task responsibilities.

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Many organizations struggle to obtain the full benefits of their EIM initiative by approaching the framework components as a set of projects and not as an interdependent program. This type of approach leads to a series of enterprise initiatives without a cohesive information strategy or goals. In this type of method, the EIM Framework component projects fail to leverage the co-dependency and benefits required to build an efficient and agile data management organization with enhanced capabilities for information creation, capture, distribution, and consumption.

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Editor’s Letter

Welcome to another outstanding issue of EIMInsight!

This issue brings you part 2 of Bill Inmon’s series “A Brief History of Data Warehousing” and John Zachman’s lively article on Enterprise Architecture and why we struggle to implement EA.  David Marco continues his series on Enterprise Information Management with this month’s article focusing on Data Governance.  Larissa Moss continues her series on “Back to Basics” with an examination of why a methodology for project planning and application development is crucial to success.  Dr. Anne Marie Smith provides a practical look at creating a Data Governance Charter – something we can all put to good use!  Don’t miss guest author James Funk’s deeper dive into Information Quality with his article on information quality characteristics.  Mike Jennings adds to our EIM knowledge with an article on EIM Component Dependencies.

As part of our effort to continually improve EIMInstitute we have formed an advisory board.  The purpose of this board is to ensure that the EIMInstitute is serving both our readers as well as our contributors effectively.  The board will also drive the direction of EIMInstitute.  We would like to sincerely thank John Zachman, Larissa Moss, and David Marco for taking the time to share their knowledge and commitment to the Information Management industry by serving on this board.

As always, I hope you find knowledge in our offerings.  If you haven’t joined EIMI yet, I urge you to do so.  It’s free and you will have a wealth of research at your fingertips.  Articles are constantly being added to the archives and resource portals so join us soon!

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