Volume 2, Issue 7 - November 2008 Edition

Monthly Columnists

As I was cleaning out my file drawers the other day, I came across an old DM Review article on Data Warehousing Security written by Kenneth Allard and Ramon Barquin. Those of you in the healthcare industry will recognize Ken and Ramon’s lead-in story as a type of breach of patient privacy and confidentiality, which led to the stringent HIPAA regulation.

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A data strategy is a data management strategy – choices we make about how to manage data assets.

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Acquiring funding for analytic efforts is a significant challenge that most organizations face at one time or another, often year after year. Companies of all sizes, projects small and large, all have to be able to justify a reason for their effort and a reason for any funds required for the successful development and deployment of the end solution.

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Many organizations take a shortcut (they think) on the time required for modeling by skipping the vital step of developing a Conceptual Data Model (CDM). Conceptual Data Models describe the business and should be developed before attempting to develop any kind of solution model, be that for a Data Warehouse, OLTP, MDM, or any other application.

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Letter From The Editor

The November issue of EIMInsight Magazine features articles from contributing authors Pete Stiglich and returning author Andy Field.  Both articles focus on the importance of modeling and how modeling can affect the outcome of any successful project.  Anne Marie Smith, Larissa Moss and Bruce Johnson focus on three crucial aspects of any project success, strategy, funding and security.

I continue to encourage you to visit our Library where you will have access to current and past columns which will provide you with insight for current and future projects.  To find an article written by one of our monthly columnists go to Meet The Experts, where we provide access to each columnist’s contributed EIMInsight articles.

I invite you to join EIMInstitute, it’s free and will provide you with a wealth of research now and in the future. Articles are constantly added to the archives and resource portals, so join us now!

If you have any questions or comments about the magazine or the institute, please contact me at [email protected].

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