Volume 1, Issue 6 - August 2007 Edition

Featured Articles

Seven Critical Questions to Ensure Master Data Governance Success
By Ravi Shankar

Typically, in large organizations data governance and its practice germinates either from a top-down approach led by a key executive– say a Chief Financial Officer, or from a bottom-up approach driven by business unit stakeholders who understand the importance of data ownership and data management to their success.

Monthly Columnists

Many organizations are pursuing numerous data-oriented initiatives, such as Customer Integration, master data management, data warehousing and business intelligence, etc. These efforts all require a thorough understanding of the data needed to answer business questions, satisfy business needs and make it possible to pursue the goals of broader and deeper understanding of the data necessary for operations and decision-making. These needs all point to the reason many organizations are embarking on a data governance approach.

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In the previous installment of this series, we saw some examples of the guiding principles organizations can use to realize the many advantages from embracing an Enterprise Information Management initiative. Those who embraced these key principles into their EIM initiative and understood the interdependency the framework components share were more likely to realize the immense business benefits. Some corporations still continue to struggle by approaching the framework components and the EIM initiative as projects, not as a cultural change.

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In my last EIMInsight column I started walking through the key functions and features that my optimal meta data tool would have. In order to categorize these functions and features I am utilizing the six major components of a managed meta data environment (MME)

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It seems like most of the focus surrounding enterprise solutions these days is on the technical strategy and specific tools. EIM Institute is a breath of fresh air as it puts the focus back on data management.

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In last month’s post we talked about one of the foundations required for high information quality, accurate data. Many people think that is the sole prerequisite for achieving high information quality. Several people have written books discussing what you can do to increase the accuracy of the data that is used within your organization. These authors have identified practical and effective actions that can be used to increase data accuracy. But, as we have indicated before, this is typically not enough to guarantee highly accurate information within today’s complex and geographically dispersed organizations.

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Editor’s Letter The August Issue of EIMInstitute Magazine brings you Anne Marie Smith’s insight on data-orientated initiatives and her understanding of the data needed to answer business questions and satisfy business needs. Mike Jennings further explores, in Part 2 of “EIM Component Framework Dependencies”, the components necessary for an EIM initiative to be successful and to provide real business benefits including integration into the processes, procedures, and standards of the organization at all levels. Don’t miss David Marco’s article, “Designing the Optimal Meta Data Tool”. Part 2 of this informative article discusses the six major components of the managed meta data environment (MME) and how the optimum meta data tool would meet the requirements of those components. Finally, Richard Wang’s must read article explains how archieving information quality requires more than just data accuracy. We are also pleased to showcase two feature articles this month: “Focus on Data Definition” by Bruce Johnson which focuses on the definition of Data Delivery and appropriate uses, and Ravi Shankar who joins us for the first time reviewing the seven critical questions that have to be addressed in order to embark on a solid data governance initiative. We hope that you find these articles helpful and encourage you to join EIMI. It’s free and will provide you with a wealth of research now and in the future. Articles are constantly being added to the archives and resource portals, so join us now!

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